ENTITYLIB - Entity Library


The ENTITYLIB section of the EDL description enables the user to create a library of entities, the basic components from which an architecture can be created. This section is similar to the parameter library in that it creates definitions of entities which are used later in the STRUCTURE section to create the architecture. Three kinds of entity are described in the entity library, the first is a standard component, the second is a higher level component which is composed of entities (already defined in the entity library) and their interconnections. The third are meshes, which are higher level entities composed of predefined regular structures of entities and connections.


NAME "project_name"
DIRECTORY "working_directory"
AUTHOR "project_author"
DESCRIPTION "project_description"
COMPILER "compiler_name"
LINK "linker_name"
LIBRARY "library_options"
EXTERN lib1, ...
PARAMLIB(parameter, ...)
GLOBALS(reference_parameter, ...)
ENTITYLIB( entity_definition | higher_entity_definition | mesh_entity | abstract_entity, ...)
STRUCTURE(architecture_entity | communication_channel , ... )