STRUCTURE - The definition of the Architecture

The STRUCTURE section of the entity description language describes which entities from the entity library are to be included in the architecture description and how many of them there are. It also deals with how the entities and connected together.
Aentity - Architecture Entity - AENTITY typename inst_name ( DESCRIPTION ( "description" ) )

The AENTITY construct provides a mechanism for adding components from the entity library to the architecture description. Example: AENTITY cache Primary_Cache ( DESCRIPTION ( "A cache instance" ) )
NAME "project_name"
DIRECTORY "working_directory"
AUTHOR "project_author"
DESCRIPTION "project_description"
COMPILER "compiler_name"
LINK "linker_name"
LIBRARY "library_options"
EXTERN lib1, ...
PARAMLIB(parameter, ...)
GLOBALS(reference_parameter, ...)
ENTITYLIB( entity_definition | higher_entity_definition | mesh_entity | abstract_entity, ...)
STRUCTURE(architecture_entity | communication_channel , ... )